Daycare Mom
Child minder for under three year olds
in 61440 Oberursel (North) - near FIS
Qualified daycare for children
• Are you looking for a loving, reliable childcare by ONE person for your child
under the age of three?
• You wish individual care times?
• Do you value a family environment and a small group?
Then you are right with "Daggi's Zwergenbande"
That's me
Dear parents, my name is Dagmar Jans, I was born in 1965 and I am married to my husband Arno. Together with our daughter (born 2006), who attends the local high school since 2016, we have been living happily in Oberursel in the Taunus for many years.
I am a trained travel agent and, as the product manager of a tourism company, I have enjoyed this profession for 25 years. Due to the economic crisis, I became temporarily unemployed in 2009 and was thinking about what I could do now. Since my daughter was with a child minder herself and due to the fact that we were very happy with this kind of childcare, I decided to be educated as a daycare mom. I have never regretted this decision, because every day with children is full of surprises and challenges and very fulfilling.
I speak English, so that children from English-speaking families (as well as from other cultures) are always welcome. Since the beginning of my work as a child minder in 2010, I have gladly and often looked after the children of the employees and teachers of the Frankfurt International School FIS in Oberursel. My group consists of three to four children at the same time at the age of about ten months to three years. The child care takes place in our 85 sqm, child-oriented three-room apartment (non-smoking household). Apart from an aquarium, we don't have any pets.
In front of our house there is a wonderful, completely fenced in playground for toddlers, which is visited by us almost daily. Within walking distance there is also a beautiful, very large forest playground and the spacious Camp King Park. The residential area in the north of Oberursel is quiet and child-friendly. In the nearest environment there is a lot of forest for enjoying and experiencing nature.
I regularly take part in qualification courses and "First Aid for Toddlers" courses.
Since 2011 I am a qualified and nationally certified child minder and regularly take part in further training courses.
Meetings, exchange of experience(s) and forums with other daycare moms within the association Kindertagespflege Mobilé e. V. in Oberursel/Taunus, where I am a member of the board of directors and through which the mediation and initial information usually takes place, round off my further education.
The most important goal of my work is that the children always like to come to me and feel safe and secure. This is the basis for them to go on a new journey of discovery every day, to explore the world with all their senses and to be optimally supported when playing with other children. I accompany the children during their first, important years of their development in the best possible way - with much joy, warmth and love. I am looking forward to your children, great games, lots of fun and bright eyes.
To a good time and cooperation!
Your Dagmar Jans
Infos about my daycare
Our normal family life includes playing together, singing, listening to music, cooking, painting, reading books, shopping and walking, visiting the children's playgrounds on a regular basis and, from time to time, taking part in special excursions.
As long as there is no rain or storm, I am out with the children in the fresh air every day. I consider a lot of fresh air and being able to let off steam in the open air to be very important for the health (strengthening of the immune system) and the overall development of the child! The children are supposed to discover nature with all their senses while playing outdoors and are also allowed to get dirty - so it is important to wear comfortable clothes suitable for the weather, it would be a pity if something "chic" would get dirty.
For every child, we have toys suitable for all ages at home. In addition to the usual children's toys such as Lego Duplo, dolls and accessories, Playmobil 1-2-3, various toys from "Little People", cars, wooden railway, shape game, plasticine, etc. we have a children's kitchen, a swing in the living room, a bouncy mat and much more....
Benefits of daycare
My day care is an alternative to daycare or crèche, because no comparable public body can give a child in this phase of life as much affection, individual care and support as a childminder. Here games and learning opportunities, the external impressions of the new circumstances and the replacement phase of previous caregivers manageable and specially tailored to the age group under the age of three. Individual needs can be given special consideration. My top priority is to give the children a place in our family where they feel safe, secure and secure. This means that the children in the family share in our everyday life and enjoy the common activities.
The children, together with children of different ages (my own daughter, other day-care children) experience a situation similar to that of natural siblings, which is a valuable experience especially for single children. Small groups of day-care children and their own children also offer the opportunity to gain group experience in a small, manageable setting. This enables social learning as well as a (limited) selection of play partners. The benefits and advantages of childcare over other forms of care are recognised in family and youth welfare policy. In SGB VIII (Social Code Book VIII - Child and youth welfare) child day care is mentioned as an offer to promote the development of the child in the first years of life.
Many parents also appreciate the personal and familiar relationship with their child minder. The personal relationship is important not only for the children, but also for the parents. While the
teachers in a daycare centre/crèche are responsible for many children and therefore for even more parents, the number of children in a daycare centre/crèche is limited to a maximum of five, in my
case to four.
Daily routine
This or similar looks like a typical day with us at the moment:
07:45 to 08:30 - Arrival of the children
First Play
08:30 a. m. breakfast together with the children present until then
From approx. 09:15 am playground visit, romping in Camp King Park, walks in the forest, shopping, games, painting, kneading, reading, listening to music and/or activities, visiting other child-minders, every now and then driving into the city by subway or city bus.
From approx. 11:30 a. m. onwards, lunch preparation with subsequent meal
From approx. 12:30/13:00 hrs. midday rest
14:30/14:45 Wake-up and small snack
afterwards free play and afternoon activities
Day-care times (open from to)
Monday to Friday between 07:45 and 15:15 hours
No drop-off time (only in exceptional cases) after 09:00 o' clock since we are out after that. No pick-up during the lunch break (sleeping time, approx. 12:30 to 14:30) to avoid disturbances.
I only offer full-day courses with a minimum of 32 hours per week.
Closing time - Vacation
Even daycare moms need a vacation :-)
I announce my full annual leave for the coming year at the latest in the autumn of the previous year.
It's coming to the table
I cook fresh every day and many products (especially meat and eggs) are organic. Balanced meals with fruits and vegetables, yoghurt, rice, potatoes and pasta, meat and fish are very important to our family. But also rice waffles or occasionally a pretzel are offered in between. Our main drink is water. Every child has his or her own, always the same bottle of water that he or she can see for themselves. If parents have special wishes regarding their children's meals (e. g."jars", milk bottles etc.), parents must bring these with them.
Lunch must also be brought along by the parents in case the child suffers from allergies or intolerances that severely restrict the diet (e. g. gluten intolerance).
Rules, limits and values
Some questions of education are quite controversial and in my opinion there is often no clear right or wrong. But there are principles that can be followed to find an acceptable way forward. For example, I think it is very important to show empathy in dealing with children. Praise and recognition are principles in my upbringing. This is the only way a child learns to value itself. The child I am looking after should be encouraged in his or her increasing independence and personal development. Of course, this also includes setting limits and establishing and adhering to certain simple rules, such as washing your hands before eating, basically eating the meals at the table and waiting at the table until all the children have eaten.
I also make sure that the children don't bite and hit each other. Since this cannot always be prevented, it is important for me to explain to the children why they should not do this and to apologize to the other child. These are all prerequisites for me to be able to develop into a strong person - and I would like to try to give these things to the children during their time with me. A mixed-age group brings benefits to the children in every area of development, both in terms of social, linguistic and spiritual development.
Toddlers in (mixed-age) groups show greater autonomy and more emotional safety than single-parent children. My day care involves first and foremost the interaction with other children, the promotion of fine motor skills, the discovery of nature and one's own personality, as well as the realization of the natural urge to move. I also sing, dance and read books a lot. As an absolute book lover, it is very important to me to inspire the children early on for books!
Acclimatisation - gentle and individual
Not only for children the acclimatization is a big step, but also parents have to be "acclimatized". They too should be taken away from them the shyness of all that is new. That's why I offer parents and their children a soft acclimatization according to the recommendations of the Berlin acclimatization model. It runs for a period of at least two, preferably three weeks. One parent initially accompanies the child for about two hours a day and gives the child security. A first cautious approach is made by the mother of the day. It is important that the accompanying parent keeps himself/herself as far as possible in the background and does not actively participate in the play of the child, but only sits as a "contact point" and gives the child security during his or her first explorations.
The child should be able to determine the pace of familiarization himself. For the first two or three days, the main thing is that the child learns to feel comfortable in the new environment. Only when the child is ready for it, the first attempt at separation is made and the childcare time is increased. Depending on the child, the first attempts at separation are initially 15 minutes and then increased. As a rule, a settling-in period of about fourteen days is sufficient, so that the parents can drive to work calmly and there are as few tears as possible when leaving. However, this familiarization is only an orientation and is always adapted to the needs of the child, so it can sometimes take three weeks or more.
The settling in phase can be considered complete when the child comfort me. Nevertheless, it may be that the child wants to cry or be taken back, if you say goodbye to him after bringing. It expresses that she would rather have you with her - and that is his right. But since I am now also a bond person, the child will calm down quickly. In any case, you should not leave without saying goodbye to your child. This is very important for the child to feel safe. To avoid interruptions, it is advisable to start settling in on a Monday or Tuesday. Also, the acclimatization should not start just before the start of the holiday.
This is what I need from you
Interchangeable clothes, cuddly toys, pacifiers, nappies and wet wipes and special care products are usually provided by the parents. You know best what your child tolerates and needs. You should always bring a hat or sun hat with you. Please bring your child to me already in summer with sunscreen. In case of rain weather, please also pack waterproof shoes and mud pants and rain jacket! Punctuality and reliability are very important for all arrangements. And most importantly: mutual honesty, openness and trust in the event of possible uncertainties. Children are very sensitive and immediately notice discrepancies.
Working parents subsidize the youth welfare office (Jugendamt) Hochtaunuskreis from 15 hours of care. Decisive is the residence of the parents.
Current information can be found at: t+und+Soziales/Kinder_+Jugendliche+ und+Eltern/Kinderbetreuung/Kindertagespflege.html
In addition, the parents also pay me a monthly flat rate of Euro 180 - 12 times a year, indepented if the child/the daycare mom is ill or on vacation or any other reasons.
Status 2024
New rates to pay to the Jugendamt Hochtaunuskreis will start January 2024:
(Stand März 2025):
Ein freier Platz (minimum 32 Std/Woche) ab 01.05.25
Voraussichtlich ein freier Platz ab Herbst 2026.
Dagmar Jans
Im Rosengärtchen 29
61440 Oberursel